OXIS International

OXIS International, Inc. is engaged in the research, development and sale of products that counteract the harmful effects of “oxidative stress.”

Oxidative stress refers to the situations in which the body’s antioxidant and other defensive abilities to combat free radicals (a.k.a highly reactive species of oxygen and nitrogen) are overwhelmed and one’s normal healthy balance is either lost or severely compromised.

Their products include therapeutic nutraceutical products, cosmeceutical products and proprietary formulations and clinical products that are developed internally and/or out-licensed to biotech and pharmaceutical companies as drug candidates.

Their focus on naturally occurring protective substances since they are more likely to be both safe and efficacious. Their primary products incorporate and emphasize the multifaceted “super antioxidant” compound, L-­Ergothioneine (“ERGO”), as a key component. Their own several patents and pending applications related to ERGO that cover current and planned products relevant to our nutraceutical and cosmecuetical businesses. Their patents and patent applications address ERGO’s protective effects and activities and the ERGO manufacturing process.Products from OXIS International i highly recommend to try and allow it to be purchased

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